it was a scary, stressful and uncomfortable time. i don't think i've slept as little in my life.
it all started off with friends coming over on the saturday and helping us literally tear the place apart. the shock of seeing what has not probably been uncovered in 15 years was, well, just gross! unbelievably, we were able to clear out the entire cafe under 3 hours. without friends helping us we would have been there for days!

thinking the biggest hurdle was behind us, of course, several issues decided to change that. concerns over the thin wall between ourselves and Cash Central were highlighted (since it use to be a single unit back when BMO were tenants). This could have potentially set us back weeks. Aaron Box, the General Contractor, managed to get the inspector to provide advice, submit an application and approve it within 24 hours. That is a fast turnaround!

We had many moments like that. Issues that could have potentially delayed us or cost me a fortune, only to find a way around it. Another was when the pony wall on the south side was unable to handle the weight of the glass blocks on top - it was tilting back at such an angle that if we wanted anything to go up against it, it had to be dead straight. Again, Aaron, set about creating a perfect brace that ensured the wall would never move.

This kind of luck comes down to the people you employ to get the job done. I was incredibly fortunate to have a set of people that took a very conscientious approach - all knowing we were a new small business with still a lot to prove in the Park.
all the electricians were brilliant and worked long hours. the mechanical guys from Mainline and Randi himself were fantastic and very generous with their time and effort.
The millworker, Paul Vail from Cripple Creek, did an amazing job of creating a single sixteen foot counter that snakes along the edge of the kitchen. And the detail and finish are nothing short of perfect.

Finally Aaron Box, who as General Contractor, had to manage me as well as the project. He did what he was paid to do and got the job done in a time frame no one thought possible: 8 days. And thank you to his brother, Nate, who set me on the right path with a design that we thrashed out until it was solid.
Thank you to everyone. We really couldn't have done it without you.
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