Friday, January 2

Starsucks: the plot thickens

Carrying on from my previous post, my friends here in Brighton expanded on why the locals are protesting about the Starbucks. It appears that a global corporation is happy to flout the law in order to expand into the markets it sees fit. The starbucks I mentioned has failed to secure the correct planning permission to be allowed to offer drinks onsite. It is also ignoring the pleas of hundreds of people/ traders about their concerns of the longterm damage the store will do to the area.

It's fascinating that Starbucks with their slick marketing on how they care about neighbourhoods and local communities that they would persevere especially in a town and zone that is renowned for being very vocal and protective of its local business. And bizarre for such a company to ignore council planning regulations. As a result, every Saturday locals are picketing outside this Starbucks. Just across the road from this global franchised monstrosity is Red Roaster, a cafe that was recently awarded 3rd place out of 200 entrants for the best indepdent cafe in Europe.

So with local weekly protests, widespread condemnation for its actions and facing close competition from a brilliant cafe that knows how to do good coffee (that isn't burned to crap), I do hope the people of Brighton succeed and show the rest of the world that you don't have to bow to the arrogance of these corporations.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Hey Michael, Hope you find your way back home safe and sound. We've missed you and Julie!

BTW, when you get over jetlag, stop by my blog site because I have something for you!

Melanie said...

I found you via Brenda. What a great idea for a blog!! I look forward to coming back. :)

Cafe Haven said...

Thanks Melanie, I actually visited Flat White as I know their roaster - James Hoffman (2007 World Barista Champion) - he started up a roastery with another coffee expert callled Square Mile. They also supply Flat White's new venture, Milk Bar, which is just around the corner from Flat White.

James recommended Fernandes & Wells in Soho. They use Monmouth which make a rather pleasant shot (if pulled by someone who knows what they're doing). Have you tried the Monmouth store in Borough market? Great single origins on offer via a Pour-over station.

My final great finds was in Brighton - Red Roaster and Coffee@33.

Thanks for your recommendations!