Friday, May 28

The summer slump

3 days till June. And while there is still talk of snow storms, we have to believe that the summer is pretty much here.

for establishments that serve coffee it sets a new challenge. Cafe owners and baristas alike, push their heads against the glass wondering what the warm weather feels like. The oncoming balmy days drive a significant amount of business away from The Park and into the mountains or onto far flung beaches. Everyone runs off on their holidays and turns Sherwood Park into a bit of an empty dustbowl.

It's one of the reasons we had Julie's dad build the patio last summer. It took a fair amount of planning to decide on style and colour but I think the end result is impressive. Someone told me, "That's better than spending money on advertising".

It's probably true. The patio is a symbol of summer. I think everyone desires to be outside basking in the warm sun, especially sipping a glass of vino or supping on a cold beer. It's been that way for centuries.

Country Road Greenhouse is helping us making it look pretty - Carol is re-planting the planters and is going to help us start growing ivy up the back fencing. That will really add character and colour.

So, I hope we can encourage the few who do hang around Sherwood Park this summer to come and visit us!

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